Push Messages

While 8 out of every 10 emails end up in spam folders, the opening rates of Push Messages is 99%.

Today, they represent the most powerful and effective way of communicating effectively with your clients.

For this reason, in this lesson we are going to make sure that you master this technology:

  • What are push messages and how do they work
  • Advantages of push Messages
  • Technical features and segmentation options
  • And finally we are going to see how to include them in your App

How to apply this technology in your App

Although this is a very advanced and complex technology, implementing it with Scoreapps takes no more than 2 or 3 clicks:

Push messages also work with Progressive Web Apps (PWAs).

With a PWA you can send Push Messages to Android devices since Apple does not allow Push to work for PWAs (check out the lesson on PWAs for further info).

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